Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Beauty Parlor Makeover

I am amazed at the makeover of the beauty parlor! First it was new settings and tabs like in Minnie's previous post. Things such as the new undo, redo, and clear:

The clear makeup only pops up when you're under the tab titled, 'Makeup'. (It makes sense.)
The undo is basically the same.
The redo is also.

Something else that completely shocked me was the hairs! All of them (most and not SS) have been enhanced! They look amazing, all the bad-looking ones now look so much better. The graphics of the hairs are good too. Stardoll has been working on that. The hairs are below:

Also, two of the early Starpoint rewards have been done.

What do you think of the makeover? I love it! Tell what you think of it in comments and try on one of the new hairstyles on your medoll!


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